Workshop on
Stochastic Geometry and its Applications
University of Rouen, March 28-30 2012
This workshop is the first event organized by the GDR ("Groupe de Recherche") GeoSto, initiated in January 2012, and bringing together more than 80 researchers from France and Europe.
This is a great opportunity to invite many recognized specialists from Stochastic Geometry and related research areas.
The workshop will take place at the University of Rouen, on the site of Madrillet (Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray), from Wednedsday, March 28 at 2pm, to Friday, March 30 at 3pm. The poster is available here.
The registration is free but mandatory.
Confirmed speakers
- François Baccelli (INRIA Paris-ENS Ulm, France)
- Hermine Biermé (University of Tours-University Paris Descartes, France)
- Bartek Błaszczyszyn (INRIA Paris-ENS Ulm, France)
- Christian Buchta (University of Salzburg, Austria)
- Youri Davydov (University Lille 1, France)
- David Dereudre (University Lille 1, France)
- Catherine Gloaguen (France Telecom-Orange Labs, France)
- Xavier Goaoc (INRIA Nancy, France)
- Daniel Hug (University of Karlsruhe, Germany)
- Dominique Jeulin (Mines de Paris, France)
- Frédéric Lavancier (University of Nantes, France)
- Jean-François Marckert (University of Bordeaux, France)
- Laurent Massoulié (Centre Technicolor, Paris, France)
- Rahul Roy (Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi, India)
- Anish Sarkar (Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi, India)
- Volker Schmidt (University of Ulm, Germany)
- Evgeny Spodarev (University of Ulm, Germany)
- Radu Stoica (University Lille 1, France)
From Rouen
- Jean-Baptiste Bardet
- Pierre Calka
- Nicolas Chenavier
- Mohamed el Machkouri
- Arnaud Rousselle
- Thierry de la Rue
From Lille
- David Coupier
- Youri Davydov
- David Dereudre
- Philippe Heinrich
- Radu Stoica
- Viet Chi Tran
To contact the organizers:
geosto2012 at (replacing the at with an @)